Kindergarten was named by Friedrich Froebel on June 28, 1840 at Bad Blankenburg during the Gutenberg Festival to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the invention of printing by movable type.
The first kindergarten at Bad Blankenburg was a new cultural form, which combined work, family, child care and education.
Froebel recognized in particular how each child acquires knowledge about himself or herself and the world through activities, that correspond to the nature of each child.
Although much has changed since 1840,
many of Froebel’s principles continue to guide high quality early childhood education around the world today.
Read more about the history of the kindergarten and of early childhood education along Froebelian lines at the International Froebel Society

:: THEME: 175 years of Kindergarten
:: ISSUE DATE: 11 June 2015
:: STAMP DESIGN: Lisa Röper