Bought the Hofbuchdruckerei in Rudolstadt.
Recentiorum poetarum selecta carmina ed by Carl Poppo Froebel Published 1822
A younger half brother of Friedrich, Carl Poppo Froebel was born 2 November 1786 in Oberweißbach and died 15 March 1824 in Rudolstadt. Carl Poppo was the first son of Johann Jakob Fröbel and his second wife
Dr. phil., von 1807 – 15 Professor am Gymnasium in Rudolstadt, kaufte die Hofbuchdruckerei in Rudolstadt und wirkte als Schriftsteller.

Carl Poppo married Johanne Sophie Dorothea Scheibe (born 6.5.1788 in Rudolstadt died 20. 7. 1829 in Rudolstadt), the daughter of the Fürstlichen Hofintendanten Scheibe in Rudolstadt). Their son Günther Fröbel was born 5 October 1811 in Rudolstadt and died 3 February 1878 in Rudolstadt.
A messenger between the old and the new world. Edited by Günther Fröbel and Traugott Bromme. Hofbuchdruckerei Froebel. Rudolstadt, 1846-1871.
Allgemeine-Zeitung: ein Bote zwischen der alten und der neuen Welt. Herausgegeben von Günther Fröbel und Traugott Bromme. Hofbuchdruckerei Fröbel. Rudolstadt, 1846 – 1871.